Seabed and
Sediments Remediation

Seabed and Sediments Remediation

EKOGRID™ technology amplifies the remediation power of nature and has already proven to be an ecological, sustainable and cost-efficient way of cleaning and remediating the environment in 10+ countries across five continents. Now, for the first time in history, electrokinetic oxidation technology from EKOGRID™ is being used for seabed remediation research in Töölö Bay in Helsinki, Finland.

The EKOGRID™ system was set up in Töölö Bay in the fall of 2017 to verify its potential for breaking up harmful substances in the sediment, such as oil and PAH (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) compounds. The system produces a weak electric field in the area, which has been proven to accelerate the decay of harmful substances in soil.

Benefits for the environment and inhabitants

Preliminary studies carried out in an aquatic environment have also suggested that EKOGRID™ technology could have an inhibiting effect on the internal nutrient input, which promotes eutrophication. The purpose of this research is to ascertain the specific effects on the internal circulation of phosphorus. The active field work will take about a year. Three research rafts will be anchored in Töölö Bay for the duration of the study.

The benefits of the EKOGRID™ electrokinetic oxidation method for inhabitants and the environment are tremendous. It saves costs and helps to avoid environmental damage by removing the need for extensive dredging in upgrading sea sediments. In addition, disturbances to citizens living in this vibrant urban area can be avoided.